Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/78

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"saboteurs" are the professional men and experts whose wills could not be successfully forced.

In a letter to British labor dated May 30, 1920, Lenin, after denouncing the democracy of the British Labor Party, their pacifism, etc., says of its leaders: "The sooner they share the fate of Kerensky, the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionists in Russia" the better. "What this fate was we shall see below. Lenin then continues:

Some of the members of your delegation have asked me with surprise concerning Red Terror, about the lack of the freedom of the Press, about the lack of freedom of assembly, about our persecution of Mensheviks and Menshevik workers, etc. … Our Red Terror is a defense of the working class against the exploiters; it is the suppression of the resistance of the exploiters with whom the Social Revolutionists, the Mensheviks, and an insignificant number of Menshevik workers align themselves. … The same "leaders" of workers who are conducting a non-communist policy are 99 per cent. representatives of the bourgeoisie, of its deceit, of its prejudices.

Here is a definite official statement by the Bolshevist chief that a regularly elected labor leader may be regarded as 99 per cent, bourgeois—and he is often so regarded for purposes of imprisonment or execution.

The Bolshevist Czar recently issued a ukase saying that prisoners belonging to all active anti-Bolshevist groups would be held as all bound together as hostages for the lives of the Bolshevist chiefs—referring back to the butchery of hundreds of such hostages after the assassination of the bloody Uritzky and the attack