Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/99

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The assignment of wage earners to work shall be carried out through the Departments of Labor Distribution.

In case of urgent public work the District Department of Labor may, in agreement with the respective professional unions and with the approval of the People's Commissariat of Labor, order the transfer of a whole group of wage earners from the organization where they are employed to another situated in the same or in a different locality, provided a sufficient number of volunteers for such work cannot be found.

The production standards of output adopted by the valuation commission must be approved by the proper Department of Labor jointly with the Council of National Economy.

The Supreme Council of National Economy jointly with the People's Commissariat of Labor may direct a general increase or decrease of the standards of efficiency and output for all wage earners and for all enterprises, establishments and institutions of a given district.

The Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, the real Soviet Government, which took place a few weeks later (in April, 1920), attempted to give reasons for the new coercion plans. The chief arguments used were these:

The Ninth Congress approves of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party on the mobilization of industrial proletariat, compulsory labour service, militarisation of production and the application of military detachments to economic needs.

In connection with the above, the Congress decrees that the Party organisation should in every way assist the Trade Unions and the Labour Sections in registering