Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/493

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1216. एय eya. With this suffix, accompanied by vṛddhi-increment of an initial syllable, are made adjectives, often having a patronymic or metronymic value. Their neuter is sometimes used as abstract noun. The accent rests usually on the final in adjectives of descent, and on the first syllable in others.

a. Examples are: ārṣeyá descendant of a sage (ṛ́ṣi), jānaçruteyá son of Jānaçruti, sārameyá of Sarámā's race, çātavaneyá Çatavani's descendant, rāthajiteyá son of Rathajít; ā́sneya of the blood (asán), vā́steya of the bladder (vastí), pāúruṣeya coming from man (púruṣa), pāitṛsvaseya of a paternal aunt (pitṛsvasṛ), etc.

b. A more than usual proportion of derivatives in eya come from primitives in i or ī; and probably the suffix first gained its form by addition of ya to a gunated i, though afterward used independently.

c. The gerundive etc. derivatives in ya (above, 1213) from ā-roots end in éya; and, besides such, RV. etc. have sabhéya from sabhā́, and didṛkṣéya worth seeing, apparently from the desiderative noun didṛkṣā́, after their analogy. M. has once adhyeya as gerund of √i.

d. Derivatives in the so-called suffix ineyá — as bhāgineyá, jyāiṣṭhineya, kāniṣṭhineya — are doubtless made upon proximate derivatives in -inī (fem.).

e. In eyya (i. e. eyia) end, besides the neuter abstract sahaçéyya (above, 1213 c), the adjective of gerundival meaning stuṣéyya (with aoristic s added to the root), and çapatheyyà curse-bringing (or accursed), from çapátha.

1217. एन्य enya. This suffix is doubtless secondary in origin, made by the addition of य ya to derivatives in a na-suffix; but, like others of similar origin, it is applied in some measure independently, chiefly in the older language, where it has nearly the value of the later anīya (above, 1215 b), as making gerundival adjectives.

a. The y of this suffix is almost always to be read as vowel, and the accent is (except in váreṇya) on the e: thus -énia.

b. The gerundives have been all given above, under the different conjugations to which they attach themselves (966 b, 1019 b, 1038). The RV. has also two non-gerundival adjectives, vīréṇya manly (vīrá), and kīrténya famous (kīrtí), and TS. has anabhiçastenyá (abhíçasti); vijenyà (RV.) is a word of doubtful connections; çikṣeṇya instructive is found in a Sūtra; prāvṛṣeṇya of the rainy season occurs later.