Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/566

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sidh repel, fut., 935 b.

sīv, pres., 761 c, 765; pple, 955 c; des., 1028 h, i.

su press out, pres., 699 b; aor., 839, 840 b, 867; fut. 935 a; ya-ger'd, 992 a.

su-, 1121 h, i; in compsn, 1284 a, b, 1288, 1304 c, d.

-su, see 1178 f.

subh, pres., 758.

or su, pres., 626, 628, 755; pf., 789 a; aor., 868 a; fut., 935 a, 936 b, 939 b; inf. 968 d, e.

sūc, aor., 861.

sūd, aor., 871.

sṛ, pf., 797 c, 806 a; aor., 847; caus., 1042 e.

sṛj, euph., 216 l, 219 b, c; aor., 834 b, c, 840 b, 890; fut, 936 d.

sṛp, euph., 151 d; pf., 790 c; aor., 834 d, 847; fut., 935 b, 936 d; inf., 968 e; int., 1002 g.

-se, infin. in, see -ṣe.

soṣman, 37 d.

sk, original of ch, 42.

skand, aor., 833, 890 b; pple, 957 d; ya-ger'd, 992 b; int., 1002 g, h.

skabh or skambh, pres., 730, 732, 1066 b; pf., 786 a, 790 b, 794 d.

sku, pres., 626 a; int., 1017.

stan, pres., 631 a; aor., 899 d.

stabh or stambh, euph., 233 c; pres., 730, 732, 1066 b; pf., 794 d; pple, 956 b.

-stāt for -tāt, advbl, 1100 b.

stigh, desid., 1031 b.

stu, pres., 626, 633; pf., 797 c; aor., 866, 894 b, d; fut, 935 a; ya-ger'd, 992 a; desid., 1028 i; caus., 1042 e.

stṛ, euph., 242 c; pf., 801 f, 806 a; aor., 831, 834 a, 885, 900 a; pple, 957 b; inf., 968 d; ya-ger'd, 992 a.

stṛ́, dcln, 371 k.

stṛh, aor., 916.

styā, pres., 761 e; pple, 957 a.

strī, dcln, 366, 367 c.

sthā, euph., 233 c; pres., 671, 749 a; aor., 830, 834 a, 836, 837, 840 a, 847, 884, 894 c; pple, 954 c; inf., 968 f; caus. aor., 861 b, 1047; in ppial periphr. phrases, 1075 c.

-sna, 1195.

snā, caus., 1042 j.

snih, euph., 223 a, c.

snu, pres., 626 a.

-snu, 1194.

sparça, 31, 32.

spaç, aor., 834 c.

spṛ, aor., 831, 836 b, 839.

spṛdh, euph., 242 d; aor., 834 b, 840 b.

spṛç, euph., 218 a; aor., 916, 920 a; fut., 936 d.

spṛh, euph., 223 b, d; caus., 1042 d.

sphā, pple, 954 c; caus., 1042 m.

sphuṭ, fut, 936 b.

sphṛ, pres., 756; tvā-ger'd, 991 d; caus., 1042 b.

sphoṭana, 230 e.

sma, in pronom'l dcln, 493, 496 a, 503.

sma, pres. in past sense with, 778 b, c.

smi, tvā-ger'd, 991 d; caus., 1042 l; periphr. pf., 1071 f.

smṛ, pass., 770 c; tvā-ger'd, 991 d; caus., 1042 e.

sya as denom. sign, 1064.

syand, pf., 785 a; aor., 861 a, 890 b; fut, 943 a; pple, 957 d; tvā-ger'd, 991 d; int., 1002 g.

syam, pf., 794 h.

syás, euph., 176 a.

-syāi, infin. in, see -ṣyāi.

sráj, euph., 219 a.

sras or sraṅs, euph., 168; pf., 790 c; aor., 833, 847; ya-ger'd, 992 b.

sridh, aor., 847, 852 b.

srīv (or çrīv), euph., 240 b ; pres., 765; caus., 1042 b.

sru, pf., 797 c; aor., 868; caus., 1042 e.

sva, 513 b, 516 e; dcln, 525 c.

svaj, euph., 219 a; pres., 746; pf., 794 h; aor., 863 a; tvā-ger'd, 991 c.

svátavas, euph., 168 a, 415 b.

svad, pple, 954 f.

svan, pf., 794 h; aor., 899 d; int, 1002 g.

svap, pres., 631; pf., 785 b, 794 b; aor., 867; fut, 935 b; pple, 954 b; des., 1028 h; caus., 1042 g.

svayam, in compsn, 1284 b.

svar, aor., 890 a, 899 d.

svàr, dcln, 388.

svara, 30, 81.

svarabhakti, 230 c–e.

svarita, 81.

svávas, euph., 168 a, 415 b.

svid, pple, 957 d.