Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/575

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nasal assimilation, 117 c, f, g, 161, 198 b, 199 c.

nasal class (seventh, rudh-class) of verbs, 603, 683–96: formation of stem, 683; inflection, 684–92; roots of the class, 694; irregularities, 693–6.

nasal increment in strong forms, 255, 386.

nasal mutes (n̄, ñ, ṇ, n, m), 34, 36; their occurence as finals, 143; duplication, 210; assimilation of preceding mute, 161, 198 b, 199 b; abbreviation of consonant-group after, 231; — nasal spirant or anusvāra, 70–3; — nasal semivowels, 71 c, 206, 213 c; — nasal vowels, 71, 72: — and see the different letters.

nasality, Hindu definition of, 36 a.

negative particles, 1122 c–e; neg. prefix, 1121 a–c.

neutral pron. of a, 21.

ninth class of verbs — see -class.

nominative case, uses of, 267, 268; peculiar construction with verbs, 268 a; with iti, 268 b; with vocative, 268 c; used adverbially, 1117; nom. use of infinitive, 987; nom. form as particle, 1117; in composition, 1250 f.

noun and adjective, distinction of, 322; inflection of nouns — see declension.

nu-class (fifth, su-class) of verbs, 603, 697–716: formation of stem, 697; inflection, 698–707; roots of the class, 708; irregularities, 710–3, 716.

number in declension, 264, 265; in conjugation, 536; number-forms in composition, 1250 g.

numerals, 475–89; simple cardinals, 475; their combinations for odd numbers, 476–81; inflection, 482–5; construction, 486; ordinals, 487, 488; other num. derivatives, 489, 1104–6, 1245; num. figures, 17; possessive compounds with num., 1300; num. or dvigu compounds, 1312.

omission, sign indicating, 16.

onomatopoetic words, 1091, 1135 b.

optative mode, 533, 564–8; its formation, 564, 565; scheme of endings combined with mode-sign, 566; precative, 567, 921–5; scheme of prec. endings, 568; uses of opt., 573–82; with prohibitive, 579 b; optative use of augmentless preterit forms, 587.

order of subjects in the grammar, 107; as best taken up by a student, 108, 112; of subjects in euph. combination, 124.

ordinal numeral adjectives, 487, 488.

pada-endings in declension, 111 a.

palatal series of mutes (c, ch, j, jh, ñ), pronunciation etc., 33, 42–4; derived from original gutturals, 42; reversion to guttural form, 43, 214 ff.; euphonic combinations, 118, 119, 214–20; treatment as finals, 142; assimilation of dentals to, 196–203; pal. character of i, ī, 20; of y, 51, 56; of ç, 63, 64; palatal for guttural in reduplication, 590 b: — and see the different letters.

participial compounds, 1247 g, 1309.

participles, 534, 537, 583, 584, 1172–7; of present-systems, 619 etc. etc.; of perfect, 802–7; of aorist, 840, 852, 872, 897, 909; of future, 939; passive part., 952–8, 1176, 1177; active, in tavant, navant, 959, 960; future passive, 961–6; of secondary conjugations, 1012, 1013, 1019, 1037, 1043 e, f, 1051, 1068; part. in possessive composition, 1299; — inflection of part. in ant, 443–9; in vāṅs, 458–62; — part.-phrases, periphrastic, 1074, 1075; — relation of part. and adjective, 967.

particles, 98 a; prolongation of final vowel of, 248 a; part. giving accent to verb, 595 c, e, 598 a.

passive conjugation, 531, 540, 998; present-system (-class), 606, 768–74; aorist 3d sing., 842–5, 1048; periphrastic perfect, 1072; participle in ta or na, 952–8, 1051 b, 1176, 1177; future participles, 961–6 (and see gerundives); pass. use of infinitive, 988; pass. from intransitives, 999 a; pass. of secondary conjugations, 1025, 1039, 1052 a; pass. constructions, 282 a, 999.

past use of present tense. 777, 778.

perfect tense, 532; scheme of its