Page:Sapper--No man's land.djvu/118

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a Lewis gun here … er, well, perhaps you'd like to look yourself, sir."

Great One: "Yes, very much. Have you got my periscope?" (Staff officer produces, and Great One peers through it.) "I quite agree with you." (After long inspection) "You might make a note of it."

Staff Officer: "Just make a note of that, will you?"

Adjutant (makes note): "Make a note of it, Bill, will you?"

Platoon Commander (recovering slightly from stupor): "Make a note of what?"

Machine-Gun Officer: "All right, old boy. It's my pidgeon." (Sotto voce to Sapper) "I've had a gun there for the last two nights." (Aloud to Omnes) "An excellent place, sir. I'll see to it."

Sapper (to M.G.O., with seeming irrelevance): "Well, when he got to the house he was told she was having a bath, and——" Procession moves on, while infuriated sentry on sap duty misses the point of the story. And that is the right way of touring the trenches.

Unfortunately General Firebrace was a new broom. It was quite permissible for him to do what he did, but, as I said before, I am doubtful if it was altogether wise. In a moment of rashness he decided to go round the trenches alone. As a matter of fact, at the moment of this resolve the Brigade-Major was out, the evening was fine, and the General was energetic. Perfect peace reigned over that portion