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Hodder and Stoughton announce the publication of the SECOND VOLUME of SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE'S History of the War. It is entitled "THE BRITISH CAMPAIGN IN FRANCE AND FLANDERS. 1915 " (6/- net), and, apart from an immense amount of detail, which has not hitherto appeared in print, it gives for the first time the connected story of two of the greatest Battles in British history : the second Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Loos.

The First Volume

"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has given us a classic"



With Maps, Diagrams, and Plans. Third Edition. Price 6/- net.

"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has given us a classic. His book on the British Campaign in France and Flanders during 1914 will never be superseded. It must be read by every one and kept at hand for constant consultation by all who make a serious study of the war."—Sir W. Robertson Nicoll in The- British Weekly.

"After reading every word of this most fascinating book, the writer of this notice ventures, as a professional soldier, to endorse the author's claim, and even to suggest that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has understated the value of a book which will be of enormous help to the student of this wondrous war as a reliable framework for his further investigations."—Col. A. M. Murray, C. B., in The Observer.

"A book which should appeal to every Briton, and should shame those who wish to make of none effect the deeds and sacrifices recounted in its pages."—Prof. A. F. Pollard in The Daily Chronicle.

"Probably it is the most painstaking account of this particular episode which has so far appeared. … It is full of information; and a good deal of the information will be new to a good many of its readers."—Times.

"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's notable contribution to the literature of the war, The British Campaign in France and Flanders^ 1914, stands by itself."—Truth.

HODDER AND STOUGHTON, Publishers Warwick Square, London, E.C.4