Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/190

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he would in a short time invade every career to the detriment of the Russian born. That assumption is a gratuitous insult to the intelligence and the ability of the Russian people. It is an admission that a Russian doctor, a Russian lawyer, a Russian engineer have no chance in any fair competition with the Hebrew. I cannot believe that the Russian is so hopelessly inferior to the Hebrew. I do not dread competition for the Russian. I believe, on the contrary, that all that the Russian people want is competition and not Government protection. Competition with the Jew, so far from being detrimental to the Russian, will awaken his dormant capacities. One explanation of the present arbitrary legislation, and that is probably one reason why it is being retained, is that it gives both the police and the bureaucracy unlimited opportunities of graft. It is an open secret that the regulations which restrict to the proportion of 5 to 7 per cent. the admission of the Jew to the Higher Government Schools, are being constantly evaded, and that wealthy Jews by paying a sufficient bribe to the authorities can always secure admission.