Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/192

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But here, again, the present legislation entirely defeats its purpose. It only makes the Jew into a passionate opponent of the existing Government. If it be difficult to govern with the Jew, it is impossible to govern with the Jew as an irreconcilable enemy. For even the strongest Russian Government is not a match for the Jew. For the Jew is able to use against the Government all the driving power of hatred and revenge, all the resources of a subtle intellect, all the power of the Press, and he also has the power of turning against the established authorities the two most potent forces in the world—international finance and international opinion, as the allies are finding out to their cost.


There is only one solution to the Jewish problem, and that is a complete reversal of the old policy of intolerance and inequality and iniquity, an uncompromising acceptance of the principle that liberty with all its risks and perils is preferable to protection with all its false security.

That solution is imperative not only in the interests of the Jew but in the interests of the