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to identity pathogen importation: when an importer does not tell the CDC, the CDC simply does not seem to have any idea.

Finally, we are concerned by the freezer labeled “Ebola” reported by local officials. It is concerning that, when this was brought to the CDC’s attention, a CDC employee did not take meaningful action in response.

Congress should examine the state of biosafety in our country, and act to identify and remedy gaps in relevant statute or practice.


At a minimum, the Reedley Biolab shows the profound threat that unlicensed and unknown biolabs pose to our country. At worst, this investigation revealed significant gaps in our nation’s defenses and pathogen-related regulations that present a grave national security risk that could be exploited in the future. It is therefore incumbent upon Congress and the Executive Branch to address these vulnerabilities now before it is too late.

    Infectious substance. Any material that is known or reasonably expected to contain an infectious biological agent.

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