Page:Scenes in my Native Land.pdf/302

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How quietly the snow comes down,
        When all are fast asleep,
And plays a thousand fairy pranks
        O'er vale and mountain steep.
How cunningly it finds its way
        To every cranny small,
And creeps through even the slightest chink
        In window, or in wall.

To every noteless hill it brings
        A fairer, purer crest
Than the rich ermine robe that decks
        The haughtiest monarch's breast.
To every reaching spray it gives
        Whate'er its hand can hold—
A beauteous thing the snow is,
        To all, both young and old.

The waking day, through curtaining haze,
        Looks forth, with sore surprise,
To view what changes have been wrought
        Since last she shut her eyes;