Page:Science and Health.djvu/408

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necessity exists for a teacher of this science, the same as for music or mathematics, that must be explained to be understood, and understood to be demonstrated.

Pioneering what is new, or of great value to the world, is like a traveller on the desert of Arabia in company with one who becoming alarmed, his heat and sufferings increase and his courage fails; but the explorer, despite the hardships, and convinced he will come out right, accepts the situation more calmly, and encourages his friend, assuring him the only danger is his fear, then points anew the path; at length they reach an oasis, where, resting and slaking their thirst, they are ready with new vigor to push on. But here the more helpless traveller turns to his guide, saying, are you not sometimes alarmed on this desert route? “Yes,” is the ready response; but, replied the other, you told me my danger consisted in my fear, therefore you have no more practical Wisdom than myself; forgetting his guide carried the baggage, met the intricacies of the way, and was attacked by brigands, plundered, and hindered in his course, his fellow-traveller following not, until the danger was over. Bearing others' burdens, if you undertake more than you can well carry, and are tried or over-wrought, they name it a hopeless task, and desert you; few arms are extended to your support, until you can help yourself and others, and have no need of aid.

We learn in science, food neither helps nor harms man; admitting its power in one direction, we must in another. But here it were unwise to disparage the Principle, or proof of this statement, because youcontinue to eat, not having mastered the belief that Life