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the Scriptures. The science of the Bible is manifest from Genesis to Revelations, and the demonstration that Jesus gave, conclusive evidence of its entire Truth. The opposite of sickness, sin, and death, Jesus knew was alone able to destroy them, and bring to light immortality. This was the platform on which he labored, and cast out devils, viz.; destroy the belief of Intelligence and Life in matter, and it casts out all error, and heals the sick. This was Truth, and “the stone the builders rejected,” while yet it must become the head of the corner, this the rock on which Christ, Truth, built its church, that the gates of hell (the beliefs of man) cannot prevail against.

“The image and likeness of God” was lost sight of through belief, and is regained only through understanding. To suppose laws of matter control man, is the error it would be to say that figures govern numbers, when we should find examples wrought on this plan would cause the figures to be erased that the Principle might be allowed to reproduce its own idea. Harmonious man is the immortal idea of God; but the inharmonious is mortal belief. The voice of Truth, calls: “Man, where art thou?” and who will meet this inquiry to-day, with the answer of science? Man is safe in Soul, the Principle of being, but out of this he is “a reed shaken with the wind,” the ignis fatuus of belief, tossed about with every wind of doctrine; until the body is sensationless through science, man is not safe; every feeling there betrays where he holds himself; every pain and pleasure of sense, every hope, ambition, and joy that has its foundation in matter, reckons against the science of our course, and must be destroyed. Man,