Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/174

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the weaker the indications of Soul. What is erringly termed mind sees only what it believes, and believes only what it sees — what the material senses declare. This mortal belief, misnamed man, says: “Matter has intelligence and sensation; nerves feel; brains think and sin; the stomach can make a man cross; limbs can cripple and matter kill him.” This verdict of the so-called five material senses victimizes mortals, taught as they are by physiology, and in Materia medica, to revere those five personal lies that our Master so sharply referred to, — lies which are destroyed by Truth, through spiritual sense and understanding. Rightly understood, instead of possessing sentient matter we have sensationless bodies; and God, the Soul of man or existence, is perpetual in His individuality, harmony, and immortality. In the words of F. W. H. Myers: —

Oh could I tell, ye surely would believe it!
Oh could I only say what I have seen!
How should I tell, or how can ye receive it,
How, till He bringeth you where I have been?

The admission that there is substance-matter requires another admission, equally false — that there is no substance-Spirit, and matter is self-creative, self-existent, and eternal; whence it would follow that there are two eternal causes, warring forever with each other; yet it cannot be so, since the One Spirit is supreme. How can the mortal body be man's being, when man is immortal?

The notion of the eternity of matter contradicts the demonstration of Life as Spirit; and this contradiction would lead to the inference that if man is matter, he originated in dust and must return to it — logic which would prove his annihilation. But Soul is never in a