Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/178

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The various beliefs of mortals, culminating in religious dogmas and medical theories, are mainly predicated of matter; and that affords no gleam of God, Truth. Spiritual ideas, like numbers and notes, start from Principle instead of person, and admit no illusions concerning them. They lead up to their divine origin, which, once understood, brings harmony.

The false bearings of knowledge lead to sin and death. When Spirit and matter, Truth and error, seem to commingle, they rest only upon foundations that time is wearing away. Finite knowledge does no justice to Truth in any direction. It limits all things, and would compress Infinite Mind within a skull. It can neither apprehend nor worship the Infinite. To accommodate a human finite sense of Soul, it seeks to divide the One Soul into many. This error has “lords many and gods many.”

Jesus said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” and Jehovah's first command is, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me;” but behold the zeal of belief to establish the opposite error of “gods many.” The Serpent's argument in the Eden allegory, " “I will make you as gods,” runs through every avenue of mortal belief, asserting Soul to be in body, and Infinite Life to be in finite forms.

Human philosophy seeks Cause in effect, Principle in its idea, and Life and Intelligence in matter. Medicine would learn the state of a man from matter, instead of from Mind. It examines the lungs, tongue, and pulse, to ascertain how much harmony, or health, matter is permitting to Mind, how much pain or pleasure, action or stagnation, matter is allowing matter.