Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/180

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can be understood; but, defined by what is termed personal sense, they are ambiguous, and subject to growth, maturity, and decay. Impressions gained through matter are the beliefs of mortal mind, — the offspring of sense not Soul, — symbolizing all that is evil and destructible. The senses of Spirit are understanding, unerring and demonstrable ideas. Hence their necessity to Christianity, and to the establishment of Truth.

Human knowledge is a blind guide, a Samson shorn of his locks. Without organization, its only life, it lacks moral strength. Idea and Principle are born of Spirit, and are not mere inferences from a material premise.

Adhesion, cohesion, and attraction are not forces of matter. They are properties of Mind; they belong to Principle. They launched the earth in its orbit. They are from Him who saith to the proud wave, “Thus far and no farther.” We tread on forces. Withdraw them, and the universe would collapse. Human knowledge calls these mental forces Matter; but Divine Science gives them back to Mind.

God creates and governs the universe and man, — as spiritual ideas that He evolves, and which are obedient to the Mind that made them. Mortal mind translates the spiritual into the material, and must give back the original rendering, if it would escape from the mortality of such error. Longfellow well sings: —

Our little lives are kept in equipoise
By opposite attractions and desires, —
The struggle of the instinct that enjoys,
And the more noble instinct that aspires.

Mind is the source of all movement. There is no inertia in Mind's perpetual and harmonious action.