Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/29

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said, “Take no thought for the body, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink.”

Putting on the full armor of physiology, and obeying to the letter the so-called laws of health (so the statistics show; have neither diminished sickness nor lengthened life. Diseases have multiplied and become more obstinate. Their chronic forms have become more frequent, the acute more fatal. There are more sudden deaths since our man-made theories have taken the place of primitive Truth.

The explication of man as purely physical, dependent wholly on organization, is the Pandora box, from which many evils escape. If there are material laws which will prevent disease, what then causes it? Not divine law, for Christ healed the sick and cast out error, but never in obedience to physics.

The so-called laws of matter are nothing but a false belief in the presence of Intelligence and Life where they are not. This is the procuring cause of all disease. The opposite Truth — that Intelligence and Life are spiritual, never material — is the cure of all disease. No more sympathy exists between the flesh and Spirit than between Christ and Belial.

Failing to recover health through adherence to Materia medica, physiology, and hygiene, the despairing invalid drops them, and turns in his extremity to God, as the last resort. His faith in Him is less than it was in drugs, air, exercise, or he would have resorted to Mind first. The balance of power is conceded to be with matter, by most of the medical systems; whereas, Spirit at last asserts its mastery, and then, and not until then, is man found to be forever harmonious and immortal.