Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/291

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This indicates the distance between the theological and ritualistic religion of that age, and the Science preached by Christ. More than profession is required for Christian demonstration. Few understand or will adhere to his divine precepts for healing. Why? Because his precepts require the disciple to cut off the right hand and pluck out the right eye, — that is, to set aside cherished beliefs and practices.

The crucifixion of the great demonstrator of God drew near. This was his final triumph over body and matter, and gave the full evidence of Divine Science, evidence so important to mortals. Judas conspired against Jesus. The world's ingratitude, and the ruling hatred towards that just man, effected this betrayal, and the price paid was thirty pieces of silver and the smile of a Pharisee. The pitiful traitor chose a time when the world was in doubt concerning Jesus' teachings.

Judas knew a period to be approaching that must reveal the infinite distance between student and Master. He knew that the great goodness of that Master enabled him to heal better than his students, and this fact rebuked Judas as nothing else could. This spiritual distance inflamed the Iscariot's envy. The greed of gold strengthened his ingratitude, and for a time silenced the pangs of remorse. He knew that the sensuous world loves a Judas better than a Jesus, and so plotted the betrayal of a just man, in order to raise himself in popular estimation. His dark plot fell to the ground, and carried the traitor with it.

Judas had the world's weapons. Jesus had not one of them, and chose not the world's means of defence. “He opened not his mouth.” The great demonstrator