Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/294

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Divine Science, proving its nothingness. Because of the wondrous glory that God bestows on man, temptation, sickness, and death had no terror for Jesus. Let men think they could kill the body! Afterwards he would show them his body unchanged. This should demonstrate that the body is governed by good, not by evil, and is therefore immortal. Jesus taught his disciples the Science of this proof. They must test his hitherto uncomprehended saying, “The works that I do, ye shall do also.” They must understand more fully — even as they did understand after his bodily departure — his Life-principle, in casting out error, healing the sick, raising the dead.

The magnitude of his work, his material disappearance before their eyes, his reappearance in idea, enabled the disciples to understand what Jesus had said. Heretofore they had only believed. Now they understood; and this caused the descent of the Holy Ghost, — that influx of Divine Science, which so illuminated the Pentecostal Day, and is now repeating its ancient history.

His last proof was the highest, the most convincing; and his students were the most profited by it. The unsatisfied malignity of his foes, the failure and suicide of his betrayer, were overruled by Divine Love, to the eternal honor of the man who had been mocked and slain. The final demonstration of the truth Jesus had taught, and for which he had been crucified, gave the world a new era. They who slew him, wishing to stay his influence, only extended it thereby.

Jesus rose higher in demonstration because of the cup of bitterness he drank. He sought no protection from personal barbarity. Human law condemned him; but