Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/374

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The next witness is called: —

I am Coated Tongue. I am covered with a foul fur, placed on me the night of the liver-attack. Morbid Secretion, Irregular Appetite, Constipation, Foul Stomach, and Debility are other witnesses to confirm my statements. Morbid Secretion mesmerized the prisoner and took control of his mind, producing sleepiness, making him despondent, — that his fate might the sooner be decided.

Another witness takes the stand and testifies: —

I am Sallow Skin. I have been dry, hot, and chilled by turns, since the night of the liver-attack. I have lost my healthy hue, and become bad-looking, although nothing on my part has occasioned this change. I practise daily ablutions, and perform my functions as usual, but I am robbed of my good looks.

The next witness testifies: —

I am Nerve, the Generalissimo over Mortal Man. I am intimately acquainted with the plaintiff, Personal Sense, and know him to be truthful and upright; whereas Mortal Man, the prisoner at the bar, is capable of falsehood. I was witness to the crime of liver-complaint. I knew the prisoner would commit it, for I convey messages from my residence in Matter, alias Brain, to Body, and am on intimate terms with Error, who is a personal acquaintance of the prisoner.

Another witness is called for by the Court, and says: —

I am Mortality, Governor of the Province of Body, in which Mortal Man resides. In this province there is a statute regarding disease, — namely, that he upon whose person disease is found shall be treated as a criminal and punished with death.