Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/38

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established fact and the history of my discovery are insignificant and malicious. Evans's books were in circulation when my book was published, but they advocated the power of the earth's currents and animal magnetism to regulate life and health.

There has arisen among men another signally false witness, — a charity scholar, whom I found to be a depraved infidel, — one, too, vitally disappointed about “who shall be greatest;” unwilling that this solemn question, belonging alone to God, should rest with Him, after vehement public and epistolatory protestations of devotion to my system, preaching and praying in apparent good faith with it, he took the field against it, having learned that he must become an honest man before he could be a Christian Scientist. This quenched his entire zeal, and he returned to his vomit, Philosophical Realism. He has since become the special advocate of every villain who is defrauding the people by spurious claims to orthodox Mind-healing.

Science reverses the testimony of the senses; and by this reversion mortals arrive at truth; then if these senses declare a man in good health, he is sick, is he? Health is not a condition of matter, and the material senses can bear no testimony. The Science of Mind-healing shows it is impossible for aught but Mind to testify, or to exhibit the real status of man; hence, Science, reversing the testimony of the senses, reveals man's habitual harmony, and overthrows the false evidence or syllogism. Science is Mind, not matter. Any conclusion predicated of sensation in matter, or matter conscious either of health or disease, — instead of reversing the testimony of the senses, confirms it as legiti-