Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/403

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anything to be doctored, it is God. Alas for an age when such darkness can be put before the world as wisdom, and find minds so irrational as to immerse themselves in it.”

I sympathize with my critic's despair, but beg that he will consider the signs. They come as of old. Preaching the gospel to the poor, healing the sick, casting out demons, evils. If, indeed, my system takes away his gods, — sickness, sin, and death, — remember it is Christ, or Truth, that destroys them, in proof of their nothingness.

The rabbins say, as in Palestine, that by doing such things we “dishonor the law.” I reply that I have the gospel, and that my Master annulled material law by healing contrary to it. I shall follow my Master's example. As far as in me lies, I shall make nothing of material law. My essential points are that Life cannot die, that God is not the author of sickness.

I cannot agree with my critic in his inference, that, if my theories are correct, there is nothing left but God to doctor. Neither shall I deem that is chaos or darkness which restores an essential element of Christianity, — namely, apostolic healing; for Science is the light shining in darkness, which the darkness comprehends not.

The difficulty of conveying Divine Science accurately to human thought lies in this — that physical terms must be used, which yet must be metaphysically understood. The English language, like all other languages, is inadequate to the expression of spiritual conceptions by material terms. In the spiritual sense of my subject lies the elucidation of it; and this sense you must gain,