Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/426

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Truth cannot support error. Soul is the Divine Principle of man, and never sins. Hence the immortality of Soul. It is sense, not Soul, that sins, and it will at length be found that it is the sense of sin which is lost, and not a sinful soul.

Question. — Is it important to understand these explanations, in order to heal the sick?

Answer. — It is; since Christ is the Way. Christ also is Truth, and Truth alone casts out error. Sickness is part of the error that Truth casts out. Error will not expel error. Christian Science is the law of Truth, that heals the sick on the basis of the One Mind, or God. It can heal in no other way, since the human, mortal mind is not a healer, but makes disease.

Here comes in the question, How do drugs, hygiene, and animal magnetism, heal? I venture to affirm that they do not heal; they only relieve, and exchange one disease for another. I classify disease as error, that nothing but Truth, or Mind, can heal, and this Mind must be divine, not human. Mind transcends all other power, and will ultimately supersede all other means in healing.

What is herein written embraces the important points of Christian Science. In order to heal by Science you must not be ignorant of its theology, nor resist it. Moral ignorance, or sin, affects your demonstration, and hinders its approach to the standard of Science.

After I discovered Christian Science, in 1866, I affixed the name Science to Christianity, the name error to personal sense, and the name Substance to Mind. No person had uttered this Science then, but I called the world to battle over these issues.