Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/429

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and practices, and in all others affecting the welfare of mankind.

Question. — Is not materiality the concomitant of spirituality, and is not material sense a necessary preliminary to the expression of Spirit, and its understanding?

Answer. — If error is necessary to define or reveal Truth, I answer, Yes; but not otherwise. “Material sense” is an absurd phrase, for matter has no sensation. Science says that Mind sees, hears, feels, speaks, and not matter. Whatever contradicts this statement is the false sense that betrays mortals into sickness, sin, and death.

If the unimportant and evil appear, only to soon disappear, because of their uselessness or because of their iniquity, then these ephemeral views of error ought to be obliterated by Truth. Why oppose the Science that instructs mortals how to make sin, sickness, and death appear more and more unreal?

Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit, through better health and morals, and as the result of spiritual understanding. The supposition that death, and a certain amount of sin and pardon, are necessary to perfection, is but a mortal and human belief, which Divine Science can and will overcome, since Jesus has taught the way.

Not death, but the understanding of Life, makes man immortal. The belief that Life can be in matter, or Soul in body, and that man springs from dust or from an egg, is the brief record of the mortal error that Christ, or Truth, destroys, by fulfilling the mental law of being; and thus rendering the body as perfect as the