Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/431

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They cannot be lost. Their reality and immortality are in Spirit and understanding, not in matter. Hence their permanence. If this were not so, man would be speedily annihilated.

If five material senses are the medium through which to understand God, then palsy, blindness, and deafness would place man in a terrible situation, where he would be “without hope and without God in the world.” But, as a matter of fact, these calamities often drive mortals to seek a higher sense of happiness and existence.

Life is deathless. It is the origin and ultimate of man, never attainable through death, but gained by walking in the footsteps of Truth, both before and after so-called death. There is more Christianity in seeing and hearing spiritually than materially. There is more Science in the perpetual exercise of the Mind-faculties than in their loss. Lost they cannot be, while Mind remains. The apprehension of this gave sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf centuries ago, and will repeat the wonder.

Question. — You speak of belief. Who is it that believes?

Answer. — Spirit understands, and thus precludes the need of believing. Matter cannot believe, but Mind understands. No mere body believes. The only believer is the belief, mortal mind.

Christian evidence is founded on Divine Science, or demonstrable Truth, flowing from Immortal Mind; and there is really no such thing as mortal mind. Mere belief is blindness, without Principle whereby to explain the reason of its hope. The belief is erroneous that Life is sentient and intelligent matter.