Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/462

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idea of God seems almost lost. He becomes a person to be worshipped, a tribal god, rather than the Divine Principle which is to be lived and loved, because man is imbued with the Infinite Spirit and created by it.

The creations of matter arise from a mist, or from mystification, and not from the firmament, or understanding, that God establishes as a partition between the true and false. In error everything comes from beneath, not from above. All is the myth of matter, instead of the idea of Spirit.

Genesis ii. 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Did the Infinite Principle become a finite deity, that He should now be called Lord, or Jehovah? Ground and dust were not named among the creations of Spirit; and yet “He made all that was made.” Earth and water have been spoken of, but they represent spiritual ideas.

Mind had made man, both male and female, with a single command. How then can matter become the basis of man? How can the non-intelligent become the medium of Mind, and error be the enunciator of Truth? Matter is not the reflection of Spirit, and God is reflected in His creation. Is this addition to His creation real or unreal? Is it the truth or the lie, concerning man and God?

It must be the latter, for God presently curses it. Could Spirit evolve its opposite, matter, and give matter ability to sin and suffer? Is Mind injected into dust, to be eventually ejected at the demand of matter? Does