Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/47

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Still this human mind has a body, acting and appearing to itself to live, like the one that it had before death, and that we see. Mortals comprehend not even mortal existence. This proves their ignorance of the all-knowing Mind and His creation.

If a dose of poison is swallowed through mistake, the patient dies, while physician and patient are expecting favorable results. Did belief cause this death? Even so, and as directly as if the poison had been intentionally taken.

In the allegory of material creation, Adam, alias the belief of Life and Intelligence in matter, had the naming of all material animals. These names indicated their properties, qualities, and forms. Error, the opposite of Truth, names the qualities and effects of what it terms matter, and so rouses the law of belief that holds the preponderance of power in human opinions against Spirit and Truth.

The few who think a drug harmless, where a mistake has been made in the prescription, are unequal to the many who have named it poison, and so the majority opinion governs the result.

The remote cause, or belief, is stronger than the predisposing and exciting cause, because of its priority, and the connection of past mortal thoughts with present. The adult has a deformity, produced, thirty years ago, by the terror of his mother. That chronic error is more difficult of cure than an acute injury, unless we wrest it from mortal mind, and base the cure on Science, or Immortal Mind, to whom all things are possible.

What is termed disease is formed unconsciously, until fear awakes consciousness. The belief of sin, grown