Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/78

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second powers, of Intelligence and non-intelligence, of Spirit and matter.

Such theories are self-evidently erroneous. They can never stand the test of Science. Judging them by their fruits, they are corrupt. When will the ages under stand the Ego, and see only one God?

This incoherent mass of self-assertion gave sinners the notion that they could create what God cannot, — namely, sinful mortality, — usurping the name without the nature of Mind. In Science it can never be said by any mortal, “I have a mind of my own, regardless of God.”

A distinguished clergyman writes, in his sermon on The Great Purpose of Christianity: “The highest existtence in the universe is Mind, for God is Mind; and the development of that Principle which assimilates us to God must be our supreme good. . . . He imparts, as it were, Himself. . . . We all possess within us what is of more worth than the external creation. For this outward system is the product of Mind.”

In the same vein, slightly changing its wording, is Bowring's stanza: —

We see Thy hand; it leads us, it supports us;
We hear Thy voice; it counsels and it courts us;
And then we turn away; and still Thy kindness
Informs our blindness.

It has been said, and truly, that Christianity must be Science, and Science must be Christianity; else one or the other is false and useless; but neither of those is unimportant or untrue, and they are alike in demonstration. If God is within and without all things, what and where is matter, which does not express Spirit?