Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/453

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can suffer ouly for sin. For nought else can he be punished, according to the laws of Spirit, God.

Then what jurisdiction had his honor, Judge Medicine, in this case? To him I might say, in Bible language, “Sittest Material misjudgment. thou to judge a man after the law, and commandest him to be smitten contrary to the law?” The only jurisdiction to which the prisoner can submit is that of Truth, Life, and Love. If these condemn him not, neither shall Judge Medicine condemn him; and I ask that he be restored to the liberty of which he has been unjustly deprived.

The principal witness (the officer of the Health-laws) deposed that he was an eye-witness to the good deeds for which Mortal Mockery of Divine law. Man is under sentence of death. After betraying him into the hands of your law, the Health-agent disappeared, to reappear however at the trial, as a witness against Mortal Man, and in the interest of Personal Sense, a murderer. Your Supreme Court must find the prisoner, on the night of the alleged offence, to have been acting within the limits of the divine law, and in obedience to it. Upon this statute hangs all the law and testimony. Giving a cup of cold water in Christ's name is a Christian service. Laying down his life for a holy deed. Mortal Man should find it again. Such acts bear their own justification, and are under the protection of the Most High.

Prior to the night of his arrest, the prisoner summoned two professed friends, Materia Medica and Physiology, to prevent Injustice. his committing liver-complaint; and thus to save his arrest. But they brought Fear, the sheriff, to precipitate the result. It was he who handcuffed Mortal Man and would now punish him. You have left Mortal Man no alternative. He must obey your law, fear its consequences, and be punished therefor. His friends struggled hard to rescue the prisoner from the penalty they considered justly due; but they

were compelled to let him be taken into custody, tried, and