Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/529

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Spirit diversifies, classifies, and individualizes all Diversity. thoughts, which are as eternal as the Mind conceiving them; but the intelligence, existence, and continuity of each thought remain in God, the divinely creative Principle thereof.

Genesis i. 25. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind; and God saw that it was good.

God inspires all forms of spiritual thought. His thoughts are spiritual realities. Mortal mind — being Forms mental. non-existent, and consequently outside the range of interminable space — could not, by simulating deific power, invert the divine thoughts, and afterwards recreate them upon its own plane; since nothing exists beyond the range of all-inclusive infinity, wherein and whereof God is the sole creator. He dwells in the realm of Mind, joyous in strength. His infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness.

Moral courage is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the king of the mental realm. Free and fearless he roams Quadrupeds. in the forest. Undisturbed he lies in the open field, or rests in “green pastures, beside the still waters.” In the transmission from the divine thought to the human, diligence, promptness, and perseverance are likened to “the cattle on a thousand hills.” They carry the baggage of stern resolve, and keep pace with highest purpose. Tenderness accompanies all the might imparted by Spirit. The animals created by God are not carnivorous, as witness the millennial estate pictured by Isaiah: