Page:Science and the Modern World.djvu/239

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which stands in the essence of α as to the ingression of A into α. Thus the synthetic prehension, which is α, is the solution of the indeterminateness of A into the determinateness of α. Accordingly the relationship between A and α is external as regards A, and is internal as regards α. Every actual occasion α is the solution of all modalities into actual categorical ingressions: truth and falsehood take the place of possibility. The complete ingression of A into α is expressed by all the true propositions which are about both A and α, and also — it may be — about other things.

The determinate relatedness of the eternal object A to every other eternal object is how A is systematically and by the necessity of its nature related to every other eternal object. Such relatedness represents a possibility for realisation. But a relationship is a fact which concerns all the implicated relata, and cannot be isolated as if involving only one of the relata. Accordingly there is a general fact of systematic mutual relatedness which is inherent in the character of possibility. The realm of eternal objects is properly described as a ‘realm,’ because each eternal object has its status in this general systematic complex of mutual relatedness.

In respect to the ingression of A into an actual occasion α, the mutual relationships of A to other eternal objects, as thus graded in realisation, require for their expression a reference to the status of A and of the other eternal objects in the spatio-temporal relationship. Also this status is not expressible (for this purpose) without a reference to the status of α and of other actual occasions in the same spatio-temporal relationship. Accordingly the