Page:Science the handmaid of religion.djvu/19

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The Foundations of Religion unmoved.

that physical science confirms, in many ways, the proof of the existence of God; and, if so, the obligations and the consolations of religion.

Therefore, gentlemen, as helpers in the work of the Church, be not disconcerted by any hints or innuendos to which you may be compelled to listen as to the incompatibility of science and religion. The foundations of religion are as yet unmoved by any discovery of modern times. Nay, every fresh discovery reveals more and more of power and wisdom. And if in the arrangement of nature we see elements not only indicating goodness, but also indicating severity; if there is not only life, but death; not only pleasure, but pain, in the world, what is this but an illustration of the truth that this world is a creation made subject to vanity, "not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God"? Religion is concerned with God; science is concerned with the universe; and if in the universe science recognises indications of power, infinity, wisdom, goodness, severity, she bears witness to that which religion tells us concerning the nature and character of God.