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Scientific American


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Single copies of the paper are on sale at all the periodical stores in this city, Brooklyn, and Jersey City.

TERMS - $2 a year - $1 in advance and the remainder in six months.


Steam Floating Batteries and Gun Boats


1 j I


val review ever wi the ss ed mouth, England. line for bered m or e

On the 23d of last month t h e grandest na

nnd Gun llonts.

h uge line-of-battle ships, f ri g tes gun-boats,

a d i stance of twelve miles, an ti num than 200 s te am ves18 of 3,11 sizes a ,

The fleet extended in dou bl e

was held n ear Ports

learn a useful lesson regarding the construc

andfloating batteries.

Our government might


tion of some floati n g batteries at the review , viz., to let out all its ship and engine building by contract to ahle and responsible p rivat e companies, as we have more tban once ad vised. lYe learn hy one 01 our London ex changes that thn'c of these ste,m floating bat teries W'CI'C contracted for only on the 1st of Ta,nuf'.ry last, and were to he finished complete by the 15th of A1'r;I-< little oYer three months-uuder a pewtlty of $;;000 lor every days', delay afterw'1l'ds. At the time speciI tied tney '-erc all, ael:.onhng to the specifications, and one of thCin sailed a dis .. tl;(lCB of 500 ITlilcs to be present at the review, eig:;, days after the date of contract exp ired. Ea.cil v�e[,::(�l is tOOO tuus burden, ISf) feet loug, 50 wide, and 16 deep. Tbe outside planking is 4-ineh wrought iron plate, which is lined with teak plank, G inches thicle 'rho d e c ks and sides are c01)sidered shell and bullet proof. The engines are :2 00 - h ors e power, high pressure, and work rotary blowers to ventilate between the decks. They are all ar m ed with large cannon and rr.ortars. Our floating battery :1t H ob o k en has h ee n under constmction for more lhan ten years, and is not yet finished. There are par ties in our country, who, no doubt:would con tract for, and complete any government job, I as well and as speedily as any par ti es the gO Y an d a boy can , of a clamp, El, and then m ovin g the bed, D, in articles. By its use one mau ernment works of the British, or any other '<0001 Dendi,,:: Machine. of stuff to be bent bend ten se.ts o fellies pe .h our .. Eac) 'be government. It is mor ti fy in g thus to be re . The i nvcn t i c n illustrated in our engraving I di recti on of the arrow. afterwards dv)d:d mto e gh t c eiv i n g such less o n s from otber countries. Let is adaptbd to the b end in g of all descriptions is pressed tightly between the former, A, and these sets 18 mghty sectIOns us wake up to '1 E ens e of our duty and respon of wood, from plow h andl e s up to ship tim- bed, D.' EO that .when the latter is moved the pieces ,. so that. the product IS II of felhes, or Clght hundred per diem of ten sibilities in o rder that we may sustain our al bel'S j but the particnlar machine which we wood IS draw n JI1 betw e e n . Machines like tl at here sho:vn sell hours. In the cut, F is the board, partly readywell earned re putation of a.n enterprising represent is used for forming fellies for wagon A, at! for $150, but their cost of manufacture IS much I pos i tion of the stuff, and also of former, and active people without a peer . w heels . th commencement of the operation, are incH- i less. Among the objects that attracted geu eral One of the p rin c i pal obi ections to the use wa i Mr E d rd J. Updegraff, York, Pa., is the cated by the dotted lines. attention at the naval review alluded to, were many of the more ordina;v bendinO" machines to g v e further app The pressure of ho s tu.ff between the form- nventor ,. and w ill be h more than 100 steam guu�boats, v aryi ng from is the havoc which they o casion by breakin . D, IS obtamed by means of the mformatlOn. I , atented April 8, 18v6. 400 up to 1,400 tu u s burden. 'r hey have all the wood during the p rocess . We are told cr, A, and bcd, . c om e into existence in the course of two that it is qu ite common to estimate the loss screw, so that it can be regulated with the nt -rape 11' IDes n -G�ard CDS. 6 --;:. - -I . . . . . ,. years, and are noveltic3 in modern warfare. of st u ff, from thiS cause, at twenty-five to I most. meet). .I, IS t o thIS e x c ellent manner of Grape Vines del ight in being well manured, I They are considered to be a great improve thirty-three per cent. That is to say, t h e! prsin the wood th at the succes of tle ma-!tnd will n o t give the best satisfaction without . ment, and fulfil the sam offices in a navy that manufacturer linds that only two-thirds of! ch :ne, m bCl1timg Vlthout. :Ircakl g, s due. a dry bottom and abundance of rich soil. At



bent. The I

I H IS the screw, hav1I1g a PlDlOll, H, at Its top, this period of the season, those who have its lower end being c onn ected , by means of trained grape vines in their gardens, should singular tbat Jefferson, when President, had a operation, the slides , C. The latter, as we examine them thor ough ly, to destroy cater strong predilection for gun b oat s , and had It is claimed for the i nventi on now nnder rods, I, with quite a number of them built during his ad discussion tha t it sayes all this l oss , besides have before st at e d , carry th e bearings of form- pillar worms while they are small. One ruay W hen , therefore the slides C, ae i now be found in almost every bud, rolled up ministration. These were afterwards con If this! or, A. doing the work in a su perior manner. .' m rI es or 18 demned by onr government naval aut hori tie s; improvement and mer- I moved up or down, the f o r e r, A, s i in a pellet of fine wool . All the labor thus is so it is an imports,nt and yet we find tbat his views are now adopt its attenti on . Let us see how the macbine is depressed accordig y. J is he crank of a spent will pay for itself. During warm dry . ' shaft havlDg a plDtOU upon Its upper end, ,'weather.' the surface of the ground around the ed by Bngland as being wis e and sa g ac ious, constructed. h gears with pinion H ' on the screw, H. root.s of vines) sb o uld be covered with litter respecting the efficiency of such yessels. It i s A is the former or pattern block, w h i ch de- whic true, his gun boats were sailing vessels, while tor mines the orm that the wood is t receiv e. :r he f rIIler, A, is :aised and lowered by tur - to protect the tender rootlets, that s pread out . . . the new ones of E nglan d are propelled by A IS shaped like a half moou, and p voted 10 lDg J, the convcmence and a ccuracy of thIS so near the surface. .. . .. � _ ... steam engines; b ut the question of their ef its center, B, to the slides, C, of whi c h there mode of adjusting form er A must be ob vious . , There are eighteen establishments for nan� bending, ficiency in a na vy is the same in both cases. fram e. D is The wood, almost at the moment of are two onc on each side of the rmly pressed between A and D, i ts ufacturing steel in our cou ntry; these h ave a en .. - ... an endl ss revolving bed or apr on , put in mo- b i g fi capacity for m aki n g :4,000 tuns p r ann m. The sulphuret of carbon is proposed as a tion by means of the c ran k, D', and cog fibers cannot separate, but come out whole. for maklDg y worked, h and pow er We have the hest ores 10 t he world This mac hine is easil s olven t for scouring wool and making soaps, wheels. The bending is done by atta ching e as a substitute for caus tic alk al i . to the former, A, by mes,ns only being required for felli e B, and such like st el. one end of the stuff flyin g artillery


in an army.

It is

r ather



after it bas is fit for use.

p ss e d



