Page:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 2 (1841).djvu/100

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tween which they occur; and the number of six terms, fixed on as the rule for the annual publication, is completed by the addition of an extra term in August.

Of the apparatus employed, three are exactly similar to those at Göttingen, but of smaller dimensions; namely, that of Dr. Wenkebach, first used at the Hague, and subsequently at Breda; the travelling apparatus with which M. Sartorius of Waltershausen, and Dr. Listing, observed in Palermo, Catania, and Messina; and the apparatus already mentioned at p. 22, in the Berlin Magnetic Observatory, which latter, however, will be shortly replaced by a larger one, of Meyerstein's. The other apparatus in Breslau, Freiberg, Göttingen, Leipzig, Milan, Marburg, Munich, and Upsala, are all alike.

The participators in the observations represented in the six terms, as far as the names have come to our knowledge, were as follows:

In Berlin, besides Prof. Encke, MM. Bremiker, Galle, Mädler, and Wolfers.

In Breslau, besides Prof. V. Boguslawski and his sons, MM. Bratke, Brier, Dittrich, Höniger, Jacobi, Isaac, Klingenberg, Koch, Körber, Küntzel, Maywald, Müller, Dr. Pappenheim, Reichelt, Reisern, Ribbeck, Riemann, Roedsch, Wiedemann, and Wilde.

In Catania, Dr. Listing, MM. Sartorius von Waltershausen, and Zobel.

In Freiberg, besides Prof. Reich, MM. Felgner, Neubert, and Walther.

In Göttingen, MM. Bräss, Lieut. Engelhard, Dr. Goldschmidt, Meyerstein, Schröter, Dr. Stern, Lieut, von Stolzenberg, Prof. Ulrich, Dr. Wappäus, Dr. E. Weber, and Prof. W. Weber.

At the Hague, (in the September term,) besides Dr. Wenkebach, MM. von Cranenburgh, Rueb, and Simons.

In Leipzig, besides Prof. Möbius, MM. Brandes, Faber, Hülse, Kühne, Michaelis, Netsch, and Zunck.

In Milan, besides M. Kreil, MM. Capelli, Stambucchi, and Della Vedova.

In Marburg, besides Prof. Gerling, MM. Beck, Deahna, Eichler, Fliedner, Hartert, Hartmann, Ise, Kutsch, Landgrebe, Lotz, and Oppermann.

In Messina, Dr. Listing, MM. Sartorius von Waltershausen, and Tardy.