Page:Scientific Monthly, volume 14.djvu/599

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I N D E X.

Adolph, William Henry, The History of Chemistry in China 441
Adventures in Stupidity, Lewis M. Terman 24
Aeronautic Accidents, Ford A. Carter 361

Airship. The Helium, 398

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Toronto Meeting, 105, 205; Salt Lake City Meeting, 587; Ornithologists' Union, 108; Anthropoid Primate, 588.

Baerc. W. J.. The Habits of Tarantulas, 482

BEALES. LA VERNE. The Negro Enumeration of 1920, 352

Bearp. J. Howarp. Publie Health Work, 140

Blood. Chemistry of the. GEorGE R. CowGILL, 161

Brace. Sir WILLIAM. Electrons and Ether Waves, 153

Casori. F.. A Curious Mathematical Title-Page, 294

CARMICHAEL. R. D.. Certain Unities in Science, 41; The Larger Human Worth of Mathematics, 447

CARPENTER. Forp A.. Aeronautic Accidents, 361

Cat. Homing Powers of the. FRANCIS H. Herrick, 525

CATTELL. J. McKEEn. The Organization of Scientific Men, 568

Cell Theory. JOHN H. GEROULD, 268

Chemistry, of the Blood. GrorcE R. CowGILL, 161; History of, in China. WILLIAM HENRY ADOLPH, 441; Falsifications in. JOHN M. STILLMAN, 560

Chinese Medical Education. Cowpry, 278

CocKERELL. T. D. A.. Dru Drury— an Eighteenth Century Entomologist, 67. .

Coker. R. E.. A Perpetual Submarine War, 345

Concilium Bibliographicum. The, 301

Conservation of the Mammals. BarTON WARREN EVERMANN, 261

Cowpry. E. V.. Chinese Medical Education, 278

Ey Vv.


CowGILL. GrorGE R.. Chemistry of |

the Blood, 161

Death. Apparent, or Latent Life. D. FRASER HARRIS, 429

Dehydration. HEBER W. YOUNGKEN, 332


Dru Drury. T. D. A. CoCKERELL, 67 Dusuin. Louis I.. The Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks, 94

Einstein Theory. Eclipses and the, 297

Ether Waves. Electrons and. Sir WILLIAM BraGG, 153; Theories of the. FERNANDO SANFORD, 547

EVERMANN. BarTON WARREN. The Conservation of the Mammals and Other Vanishing Animals of the Paeifie, 261

Fishes, the Study of. A. W. C. T. HEERE, 540

Fishing in the Mississippi. A. S. PEARSE, 186

Flower Seasons. CHARLES ROBERTSON, 201

Foods. The Preservation of. HEBER W. YOUNGKEN, 332; Unusual Human. ALBERT M. REESE, 475

Fossil Men. Disease and among. Roy L. Moopie, 391

Fresh Air. Mental and Physical Effects of. Wm. A. McCaLu and Bronson L. HvuESTIs, 131



Genetics. Experimental, and Heredity. C. C. Litre, 401

GERCULD. JOHN H.. The Cell Theory, 268

GESELL. ARNOLD. Mental and Physieal Correspondence in Twins, 305, 415

Growth in Living and Non-Livine Systems. RaupH S. Litwie, 113

HAMILTON. G. Martian Polar Rifts, 579

Hariot. Thomas. F. V. Morey, 60

Harris. D. Fraser. Latent Life or Apparent Death, 429

HEERE. ALBERT W. C. T.. Fishes— Why Study Them, 340

Heredity and Experimental Geneties. C. C. Lirtte, 401

HeErinc. D. W.. Weather Control, 178

HERRICK. FrRANcIS H.. Homing Powers of the Cat, 525

HvueEstis. Bronson L., and WM. A. McCaui. Mental and Physical Effects of Fresh Air, 131

Hybridization. D. F. Jones, 5


Insects. Social Life among the. WiLLIAM MORTON WHEELER, 497

International. Language, 493; Meetings at Rome,