Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/195

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in equilibrium, and denote the densities of one of its components at two different points by and we shall have by (275) and (234)


From this equation, in which we may regard the quantities distinguished by accents as constant, it appears that the relation between the density of any one of the components and the height is not affected by the presence of the other components.

The work obtained or expended in any reversible process of combination or separation of ideal gas-mixtures at constant temperature, or when the temperatures of the initial and final gas-masses and of the only external source of heat or cold which is used are all the same, will be found by taking the difference of the sums of the values of for the initial, and for the final gas-masses. (See pages 89, 90.) It is evident from the form of equation (279) that this work is equal to the sum of the quantities of work which would be obtained or expended in producing in each different component existing separately the same changes of density which that component experiences in the actual process for which the work is sought.[1]

We will now return to the consideration of the equilibrium of a liquid with the gas which it emits as affected by the presence of different gases, when the gaseous mass in contact with the liquid may be regarded as an ideal gas-mixture.

It may first be observed, that the density of the gas which is emitted by the liquid will not be affected by the presence of other gases which are not absorbed by the liquid, when the liquid is protected in any way from the pressure due to these additional gases. This may be accomplished by separating the liquid and gaseous masses by a diaphragm which is permeable to the liquid. It will then be easy to maintain the liquid at any constant pressure which is not greater than that in the gas. The potential in the liquid for the substance which it yields as gas will then remain constant, and therefore the potential for the same substance in the gas and the density of this substance in the gas and the part of the gaseous pressure due to it will not be affected by the other components of the gas.

But when the gas and liquid meet under ordinary circumstances, i.e., in a free plane surface, the pressure in both is necessarily the same, as also the value of the potential for any common component Let us suppose the density of an insoluble component of the gas

  1. This result has been given by Lord Rayleigh (Phil. Mag., vol. xlix., 1875, p. 311). It will be observed that equation (279) might be deduced immediately from this principle in connection with equation (260) which expresses the properties ordinarily assumed for perfect gases.