Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 1.djvu/208

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1883. Ernst Haeckel (L. N. 46) revises the 4 orders and 32 families of Radiolaria, and gives more accurate definitions of them, as well as of the 2 subclasses (I. Holotrypasta = Acantharia and Spumellaria; II. Merotrypasta = Nassellaria and Phæodaria). 1885. D. Rüst (L. N. 51) describes 234 new species of fossil Radiolaria from the Jura, and illustrates them by twenty plates. Among them are 103 Spumellaria, 130 Nassellaria, and 1 Phæodaria; these are contained in 35 genera, of which 20 belong to the Porulosa, and 15 to the Osculosa.

254. Statistical Synopsis of the Twenty Orders:—

Legion. Sublegion. Order. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figured on
I. Legion
(Porulosa peripylea)
I. Collodaria
(Spumellaria palliata)
01. Colloidea 2 6 36 9 27 0 A E 1, 3
02. Beloidea 2 8 56 9 47 0 A D 2, 4
II. Sphærellaria
(Spumellaria loricata)
03. Sphæroidea 6 107 660 105 555 66 A B 5-8
04. Prunoidea 7 53 280 35 245 36 B B 16, 17
39, 40
05. Discoidea 6 91 503 126 376 102 B A 31-38
06. Larcoidea 9 51 260 8 252 0 E B 9, 10
49, 50
II. Legion
(Porulosa actipylea)
III. Acanthometra
(Acantharia palliata)
07. Actinelida 3 6 22 6 16 0 E E 129 (figs. 1-3)
08. Acanthonida 3 21 138 50 88 0 A C 130-132
IV. Acanthophracta
(Acantharia loricata)
09. Sphærophracta 3 6 22 6 16 0 E E 133-138
10. Prunophracta 3 11 63 5 58 0 D B 139, 140
III. Legion
(Osculosa monopylea)
V. Plectellaria
(Nassellaria palliata)
11. Nassoidea 1 2 5 1 4 0 E E 91 (fig. 1)
12. Plectoidea 2 17 61 5 56 0 D C 91 (figs. 2-12)
13. Stephoidea 4 40 205 14 191 17 C B 81, 82
VI. Cyrtellaria
(Nassellaria loricata)
14. Spyroidea 4 45 239 51 188 53 C A 83-90
15. Botryodea 3 10 55 15 40 10 E C 96
16. Cyrtoidea 12 160 1122 328 794 250 C A 51-80
IV. Legion
(Osculosa cannopylea)
VII. Phæocystina
(Phæodaria palliata)
17. Phæocystina 3 15 112 30 82 24 C B 101-105
VIII. Phæocoscina
(Phæodaria loricata)
18. Phæosphæria 4 22 121 5 116 0 C A 106-112
19. Phæogromia 5 27 159 5 154 0 C A 99, 100
20. Phæoconchia 3 20 73 4 69 0 D B 121-128
Total, 85 739 4318 810 3508 558 ... ... 140

Note.—In the tenth and eleventh columns the relative abundance of each order at or near the surface and near the bottom is approximately indicated by the letters A-E, which have the following significance:—A, abundant; B, very numerous; C, many (medium quantity); D, few; E, very few.