Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 1.djvu/302

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without shells, the outer only surrounded by shells. Already in my Monograph I had described the same peculiar formation.[1]

Synopsis of the Genera of Collosphærida.

I. Subfamily Acrosphærida. (Lattice-shell simple, without an external mantle of network.) Outside of the shell smooth, without spines or tubuli. Inside without tubuli. Inside smooth, 29. Collosphæra.
Inside spiny, 30. Tribonosphæra.
Inside with centripetal tubuli. Tubuli imperforated, 31. Pharyngosphæra.
Tubuli fenestrated, 32. Buccinosphæra.
Outside of the shell armed with solid spines, but with hollow tubuli. Spines irregularly scattered on the surface, 33. Acrosphæra.
Each larger pore with one single spine, 34. Odontosphæra.
Each larger pore with a coronal of spines, 35. Chœnicosphæra.
Outside of the shell with irregular radial tubuli, the wall of which is solid, not fenestrated. Tubuli simple, not branched. Mouth of the tubuli truncated, smooth, 36. Siphonosphæra.
Mouth with one single large tooth, 37. Mazosphæra.
Mouth with a coronal of teeth, 38. Trypanosphæra.
Tubuli irregularly branched, each with two to four or more openings, 39. Caminosphæra.
Outside of the shell with irregular radial tubuli, open on both ends, with fenestrated wall. Mouth of the tubuli truncated, smooth, 40. Solenosphæra.
Mouth with one single large tooth, 41. Otosphæra.
Mouth with a coronal of teeth, 42. Coronosphæra.
II. Subfamily Clathrosphærida. (Lattice-shell double, with an external mantle of network.) Surface of the outer shell smooth, 43. Clathrosphæra.
Surface of the outer shell thorny, 44. Xanthiosphæra.

Subfamily Acrosphærida, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 471.

Definition.Collosphærida with one simple lattice-shell around every central capsule of the cœnobium.

  1. Loc. cit., p. 535, Taf. xxxiv. fig. 1.