Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/567

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1. Pteropilium sphinx, Haeckel.

Pterocanium sphinx, Ehrenberg, 1875, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 255, Taf. xvii. fig. 5.

Shell slenderly conical, with three slight strictures. Each of the two last joints as long as the two first joints together. Cephalis hemispherical. Third joint with three prominent, divergent ribs, which are prolonged along the fourth joint into three latticed, triangular wings, ending in a free, strong, conical spine. Pores subregular, circular, twice as broad in the fourth joint as in the third, and three times as broad as in the second joint.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with four joints) 0.15, of the single joints, a 0.02, b 0.03, c 0.05, d 0.05; breadth of the third joint 0.09, of the fourth joint 0.06.

Habitat.—Fossil in Barbados.

2. Pteropilium bombus, Haeckel.

Pterocanium bombus, Ehrenberg, 1875, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 82, Taf. xvii. fig. 4.

Shell broadly conical, with three deep strictures. Length and breadth of the four joints, gradually increasing giving the proportion 2 : 4 : 5 : 6. Cephalis hemispherical, second joint with three prominent ribs, which are prolonged along the third and fourth joints into three slender, triangular pointed wings, with few pores at the base. Pores of the shell subregular, circular.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with four joints) 0.17, of the single joints, a 0.02, b 0.04, c 0.05, d 0.06; basal breadth 0.11.

Habitat.—Fossil in Barbados.

3. Pteropilium pyramis, n. sp.

Shell three-sided, pyramidal, with five deep strictures. Length and breadth of the six joints gradually increasing towards the wide mouth. Cephalis subconical. Along the four first joints arise three slender, divergent ribs, which at the fifth joint become three free, triangular, latticed wings, with long, descending, terminal spines. The sixth joint is free, without wings. Pores irregular, roundish.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with six joints) 0.2, basal breadth 0.2.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 265, depth 2900 fathoms.

Genus 629. Stichocampe,[1] Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 439.

Definition.Stichopilida (vel Stichocyrtida triradiata aperta) with three solid lateral ribs or wings, which are prolonged into three solid terminal feet. Cephalis with a horn.

  1. Stichocampe = Caterpillar with a row of joints; στίχος, κάμπη.