Page:Scofield Reference Bible Notes 1917.djvu/30

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the position of the believer "in Christ" (Ep 1.), etc. It should be noted that the word translated "pitch" in Genesis 6:14 is the same word translated "atonement" in Leviticus 17:11 etc. It is atonement that keeps out the waters of judgment and makes the believer's position "in Christ" safe and blessed.

Verse 19

two of every sort
Cf Genesis 7:2.
In addition to two animals, etc., commanded (Genesis 6:19) to be preserved for future increase ("they shall be male and female"), the further command was given more than 100 years later to take of clean beasts, i.e, acceptable for sacrifice, seven each. Exodus gives ten such beasts, or but seventy in all. Modern ships carry hundreds of live beasts, with their food, besides scores of human beings.


Verse 2

clean beast
Cf. (See Scofield "Genesis 6:19").

Verse 7

went in
(See Scofield "Genesis 6:9").

Verse 11

second month
i.e. May.