Page:Scot's piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's cariches.pdf/13

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( 13 )

Which are the two things not to be ſpared, and not to be abuſed?

A. A ſoldier's coat, and a hired horſe.

Q. How is a man in debt, like a nobleman?

A. Becauſe he has many to wait and call for him?

Q. How is ſwearing like a ſhabby coat?

A. Becauſe it is a bad habit.

Q. How is a bad pen like a wicked and profligate man?

A. Becauſe it wants mending.

Q. Why is a church-bell like a ſtory, that is handed about?

A. Becauſe it is often toll'd.

Q. What is a man like, that is in the midſt of a river, and cannot ſwim?

A. Like to be drowned.

Q. Why is a drawn tooth like a thing that is forgot?

A. Becauſe it is out of one's head.

Q. Why is a book like a tree?

A. Becauſe it is full of leaves.

Q. Why is a good ſermon like a plumb-pudding?

A. Becauſe there is reaſons in it.

Q. How a whoriſh woman like a charitable perſon?