Page:Scot's piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's cariches.pdf/15

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A. Because she brings her husband to a piece of bread?

Q. How is a Lawyer like a contentious woman?

A. Because they breed wrangling and jangling.

Q. Who is the greatest fool in the world?

A. A whore; for she hazards both soul and body for a miserable livelihoods.

Q. Who are the two greatest thieves in Great Britain?

A. Tea and Tobacco, for they pick the pockets of the whole nation.

Q. What is the difference between ale-drapers and linen-drapers?

A. Only this, The one cheats you with froth, and the other with cloath.

Q. If extortioners cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven, where will usurers, tallymen and Pawn-brokers go?

A. The same road with extortioners.

Q. What is the consequence of gaming?

A. By cards and dice, a man is ruined in a trice; for gaming and whoring often hang together?

Q. Want employments are likest to one-another?