Page:Scot's piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's cariches.pdf/2

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John Falkirk's


Thi Catechism deserves no Creed, It's only for Boys who will not read On wiser boots, them to instruct: Let droll John their fancy cook.

WHAT is the wiſeſt behaviour of ignorant perſons?

A. To ſpeak of nothing but what they know, and to give their opinion of nothing but what they underſtand.

Q. What time is a ſcolding wife at the beſt?

A. When the is faſt aſleep.

Q What time is a ſcolding wife at the worſt?

A. When ſhe is that wicked as to tear the hair out of her own head, when ſhe can't get at her neighbours, and through