Page:Scotish Descriptive Poems - Leyden (1803).djvu/114

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But fairer Roseneath's towers, where, spreading wide,
Rolls on the mighty majesty of Clyde,
From Lennox hills, which, towering, prop the sky,
To where his fleets in spacious harbours lie;
Where, crowned with wood, fair hills embrace the bay,
Where Newport smiles in youthful lustre gay; 500
Where the broad marsh, a shuddering surface, lies,
Fair Greenock's spires in new-born beauty rise;
And many an infant city rises round,
Emerging swiftly from the teeming ground;
So poets tell, that by prolific Nile,
Whole nations issued from the marshy soil;
And if the muse can future fates divine,
They all at last in one vast port shall join;
While groves of masts aloft in ether rise,
And cordage warping wide obscures the skies. 510
As in the film-winged bee's industrious hive,
Some stretch their wings for flight, and some arrive,
Some treasure in their cells the golden store,
And some, adventurous, fail in quest of more;
So fleets arriving here with every gale,
Within the port shall drop the flying sail;
While some departing shall their wings display,
To greet the rising, or the falling day;