Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/2

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This Catechism deserves no Creed, It's only for boys that will not read On wiser books. them to instruct! Let droll John their fancy cook.

The Scots Piper’s Queries, &c. Q.WHAT is the wifeft behavi- our of ignorant perfons? A. To fpeak of nothing but what they know, and to give their opinion of nothing but what they underftand, Q. What time is a fcolding wife at the beft? A. When fhe is faft afleep. Q. What time is a fcolding wife at the worft? A. When fhe is that wicked as to tear the hair out of her head, when fhe can't get at her neighbour’s, and thro’ perfect fpite bites her tongue with her own teeth: my hearty wifh is, that all fuch wicked vipers may ever do fo. Q. What is the effecual cure and infallible remedy for a fcolding wife ?