Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/21

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21 before he was a foldier. What! faid fhe, there’s not a drop in the pot, they are a’ in the plate before you ; then gie’m a fpoon and let him fup wi’ us. The foldier gets a fpoon, and think- ing he could fup all he faw, the firft fup he took, he fpouted back again in to the plate, and cries out, O my fore mouth, the hide’s yet all off fince I had the clap; every one throwing down his fpoon, the foldier got all to fup him- felf; the wife flood curling and fcold- ing all the time, and when he was done burnt both plate and fpoon to prevent the clap. So the foldier came off with a full belly, leaving the wife dreffing the goodman’s rigging with a four footed ftool for bidding him fup. A churlifh man and a virtuous wife, one rime fell out, becaufe the wife had given fomething to the poor, what. faid he miftefs, I’ll let you know there is nothing about this houfe but what is mine: Well, well, goodman, then you will let me have nothing, take it all and give me peace; fo away they went to bed, and the good wife turned her backfide toward the goodman, and as