Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/23

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23 fport it will be when we are all drown- ing, to fee how that man’s red nofe will make the water biz when it comes about it; at which words they all fell a laughing and cherifhed the crew, fo that they made another attempt to weather out, and got all fafe afhore at laft.

John Falkirk's Love Letter to the Fid- dler's Widow My lovely Bet, the beauty of old age, thy hoary head, and louching fhoulders incline to mortality; yet I will compare thee to the Eagle that has renewed her youth, or leek with a white head and a green tail, this comes to thee with my kind compli- ments for kiffes of thy lips and the kindnefs I had for thy late bed fellow, Fiddler Pate, my brother penfioner ; ah! how we drank others healths with the broe of the bucket ewes,we brought from boughts of the German Boors; but it’s nonfenfe to praife the dead, when in the duft, yet a better Vialer never freeded on a filken cord, or kittled a cat’s trypes wi’his finger-ends.