Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (7).pdf/7

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Q. What is the coldest part of a dog?

A. His nose.

Q. What is the coldest part of a man?

A. His knees.

Q. What is the coldest part of a woman?

A. The back part of her body.

Q. What's the reason that these three parts of men, women and dogs are coldest?

A. Fabulous historians write, that there was three little holes broke in Noah's ark, and that the dog put his nose in one, and another the man put his knee in it, a third and biggest hole broke, and the woman set her backside into it; and these parts being exposed to the cold blast, makes them always cold ever since.

Q And what remedy does the man take to warm his knees?

A. He holds them towards the fire, and when in bed draws his shirt over them.

Q. What does the woman do to warm their cold parts?

A. The married women turn their backside about to the goodman's belly; virgins, and those mad for mar-