Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 1 - 1819.djvu/310

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could be derived from Wolf's-hope and its purlieus, the El Dorado, or Peru, from which, in all former cases of exigence, he had been able to extract some assistance. He had, indeed, in a manner vowed that the de'il should have him, if ever he put the print of his foot within its causeway again. He had hitherto kept his word; and, strange to tell, this secession had, as he intended, in some degree the effect of a punishment upon the refractory feuars. Mr Balderstone had been a person in their eyes connected with a superior order of beings, whose presence used to grace their little festivities, whose advice they found useful on many occasions, and whose communications gave a sort of credit to their village. The place, they acknowledged, "didna look as it used to do, and should do, since Mr Caleb keepit the castle sae closely—but doubtless, touching the eggs and butter, it was a most unreasonable demand, as Mr Dingwall had justly made manifest."