Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 1 - 1819.djvu/320

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parochine and the neest till't.—But gawsie cow, goodly calf."

The women smiled at the compliment each to herself, and they smiled again to each other as Caleb wrapt up the puddings in a towel which he had brought with him, as a dragoon carries his foraging bag to receive what may fall in his way.

"And what news at the Castle?" quo' the gudewife.

"News?—the bravest news ye ever heard—the Lord Keeper's up yonder wi' his fair daughter, just ready to fling her at my lord's head, if he winna tak her out o' his arms; and I'se warrant he'll stitch our auld lands of Ravenswood to her petticoat tail."

"Eh! sirs—aye!—and will he hae her?—and is she weel-favoured?—and what's the colour o' her hair?—and does she wear a habit or a railly?" were the questions which the females showered upon the Butler.

"Hout tout!—it wad tak a man a day